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Large Study Group Consultant Training Conference
简介 Introduction
The Division of Group Counseling and Group Therapy (DGCGT), China Association of Mental Health presents a training opportunity for persons interested in developing a psychodynamic and systems perspective through the Large Study Group (LSG) in the Group Relations Model. Group Relations is a psychodynamic-and-systems-rooted model for understanding groups, organizations and larger social systems, and focuses on working with unconscious processes at the group-as-a-whole level, as well as learning from here-and-now experiences.
The Large Study Group (LSG) includes all members in the training and provides an opportunity to experience the forces and dynamics that occur in large groups, where face-to-face communication is challenging, anonymity is easier, boundaries are hard to determine, group affiliations shift, and projections are numerous. Large Study Group can be a microcosm of the groups and systems in our daily life and therefore it offers a context within which we might better understand ourselves and others.
DGCGT has hosted four successful Group Relations Conferences (GRCs) and two Small Group Consultant Training events in recent years, and now offers this event to provide further training for those who are interested in learning to consult at such conferences and/or develop a psychodynamic and systems perspective through practice using Group Relations methods.
报名资格Who is eligible to participate?
Those interested in role of Consultant-in-training:  Applicants who have attended a Group Relations Conference (GRC) and a Small Study Group Training may apply to be a consultant-in-training (CIT). CITs have the opportunity to consult to LSG and facilitate Review and Application Groups (RAG) in order to prepare to take up the consulting role in a GRC. Staff will closely observe the CITs, offering both public and private feedback.  When CITs are not in the consulting role, they may take up the role of member in the Large Study Group (LSG). CITs will begin training on Friday to prepare for their roles as LSG consultants on Saturday and Sunday. Maximum: 9 CITs.
Those interested in role of member of Large Study Group: Applicants with limited or no Group Relations experience may apply to be a member of the Large Study Group. Members have the opportunity to experience and study the dynamics of a large group and participate in Review and Application Groups (RAG) to learn more about their role and how to apply their learning to outside situations. Maximum: 36 members.
Goal and Learning Objective for Consultant-in-training
Goal: To provide participants (who have GRC experience and received training in Small Study Group consultation) training in consulting to Large Study Groups and some experience conducting Review and Application Groups in group relations conferences.
-    团体关系的重要工作理念;
-    团体关系会议的基本要素;
-    顾问在团体关系会议中的角色,尤其是大团体顾问和回顾和应用小组带领者的角色;
-    团体关系顾问所需要的能力;
-    与其他受训顾问一起,合作为大团体提供咨询并带领回顾和应用小组;
-    获得由资深团体关系顾问提供的督导机会。
Consultant-in-training will:
-       Learn key concepts underlying group relations work
-       Learn the essential elements of a group relations conference (GRC)
-       Understand the role of the consultant at a GRC, particularly that of a consultant to large study group and review and application group.
-       Appreciate the competencies required of a group relations consultant
-       Gain experience in co-consulting to a large study group and in conducting a review and application group
-       Work with feedback from supervision by experienced consultants.
Goal and Learning Objective for Large Study Group Member
Goal: To provide participants (who have limited or no GRC experience) the experience of Large Study Group Membership, the opportunity to learn more about group dynamics through experience, and the opportunity to study role, authority, boundary and task and relate learning to outside situations.
-        大团体中的团体动力;
-        推动权威、领导力、界限和任务变化的动力;
-        将学习成果应用到外部环境。
Member Group will:
-      Learn about large group dynamics from experience as a member in a large study group
-      Learn about the dynamics of authority, leadership, boundaries, role and task.
-      Apply learning from this event to outside situations
工作语言Working Language
English and Mandarin
主办方 Host
The Division of Group Counseling and Group Therapy
协办方Cooperate Organization
Shanghai Mental Health Association
赞助方 Sponsors
A. K. Rice Institute, AKRI; Group Relations International, GRI
组织者 Organizers
樊富珉 教授,博士生导师
Fumin Fan, ProfessorPh.D. Supervisor
Department of Psychology, Tsinghua University; Director of Division of Group Counseling and Group Therapy, China Association for Mental Health.
Jeffrey Roth, MD
Department of Psychiatry, University of Chicago; Fellow, A. K. Rice Institute, AKRI.
徐勇 博士
Yong Xu, MD
Deputy Director, Department of Training and Education, Shanghai Mental Health Center; Associate Director, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Associate director of Division of Group Counseling and Group Therapy, China Association for Mental Health.
培训时间 Dates and Times
受训顾问:2019年1月4日-6日 (周五12:30-19:30;周六8:00-21:00;周日8:00-20:30,包含每天的午餐、晚餐和茶歇)
CITs: January 4-6, 2019 (Friday 12:30-19:30; Saturday 8:00-21:00; Sunday 8:00-20:30 includes lunch, dinner and snacks each day)
成员:2019年1月5日-6日 (周六8:00-18:30;周日8:00-18:00,包含每天的午餐和茶歇)
Members: January 5-6, 2019 (Saturday 8:00-18:30; Sunday 8:00-18:00 includes lunch and snacks each day)
培训日程安排Schedule of Training
A final schedule will be provided at registration.
地点 Location
Shanghai Mental Health Center
费用 Fee
受训顾问: 4580元 (包含学习材料、周五到周日的午餐、晚餐和茶歇)
CIT: 4580 RMB (includes learning material, lunch, dinner and refreshments on Friday, Saturday and Sunday)
Member: 3980 RMB (includes learning material, lunch on Saturday and Sunday, and refreshments during breaks)
A discount of 5% per person is available if 3 or more people sign up as a group.
Scholarship:Limited scholarship available. Please email us。
申请截止日期 Application Deadline
November16, 2018
申请方式 How to Apply?
你可以通过网站(https://wj.qq.com/s/2730297/66a1/ )或扫描下方的二维码填写线上报名表。
You can fill in the online Application form at https://wj.qq.com/s/2730297/66a1/ or scan the QR code to access to the Application form.
申请结果 Application Results
After acceptance to the training, applicants will be notified by November 23, 2018, and will receive instructions via email on how and where to pay the fee. Fees should be paid by December 7, 2018. If fees are not received, the place will be released to the next qualified applicant.
推荐信 Reference Letter
Participants may be required to provide a reference letter and will be asked on the application form to provide the name and contact information of someone who can vouch that the applicant is emotionally and physically capable to participate in this event.
联系方式 Contact Information
如有疑问或需要帮助,请发送邮件至 grcchina2018@163.com
For further inquiry, please email us at grcchina2018@163.com.
工作人员 Staff
培训主任:Evangeline Sarda博士
Training Director: Evangeline Sarda, JD
波士顿法学院临床法学副教授;检察诊所主任;刑事司法诊所联合主任;国际-东方团体关系(GRI-E)创始成员;纽约中心会员;AKRI会员;CSGSS(纽约团体·组织和社会体系研究中心成员)前董事会成员。从2000年起参与团体关系。会议角色包括成员、组织者、主任 (会议、培训和行政)、行政人员和顾问。在马萨诸塞州波士顿通过GRI-E和波士顿学院举办团体关系会议、培训、演示和活动。耶鲁大学学士学位;哥伦比亚法学院法学博士。
Associate Clinical Law Professor, Boston College Law School; Director, Leaders Entering and Advancing Public Service (LEAPS); Director, Prosecution Clinic; Co-director, Criminal Justice Clinic; Founding member, Group Relations International-East (GRI-E); Member, New York Center; Associate, AKRI; Past board member, CSGSS. Professor Sarda has been involved with Group Relations since 2000. Conference roles include member, organizer, director (of conference, of training, and of administration), administrator and consultant. She also organizes group relations conferences, trainings, presentations and events in Boston, Massachusetts through GRI-E and Boston College. B.A., Yale University; J.D., Columbia Law School. 
Associate Training Director: Ming-Hui Daniel Hsu, PhD
Counseling Psychologist and Organizational Consultant in private practice, Taipei; Dr. Hsu was trained at New York University Counseling Psychology Ph.D. Program, and has served as a consultant in group relations conferences in New York, London, Hong Kong, Beijing, and Israel, and was a co-director in the first Taiwan group relations conference in 2018. Dr. Hsu has taught group relations in graduate counseling program in New York, and has conducted group relations workshops in China in recent years. He was the Associate Director of the two Small Study Group consultant training in Beijing in 2017. Associate, AKRI; Member, New York Center for the Study of Groups, Organizations & Social Systems.   
顾问:Kathleen E Cain执业临床社工
Consultant:Kathleen E Cain, LCSW
受训于美国伊利诺伊大学职业治疗、密苏里大学社会工作、美国明尼苏达州大学的流行病学和生物统计学专业课程。AKRI研究员。在美国的团体关系会议中担任过多个角色,包括 AKRI 国际会议,在密苏里和伊利诺斯州团体关系会议中担任大会主席,在美国多个团体关系会议中担任顾问二十年以上。 她还在美国担任过社会梦想会议的工作人员。2017年11月, 中国北京培训活动主任。实践领域包括物理医学和康复、心理健康、教学和公共卫生。 她退休了, 追求创造性写作。
Trained in Occupational Therapy at University of Illinois, Social Work at the University of Missouri and extra coursework in Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of Minnesota, USA. Fellow, A.K. Rice Institute (AKRI). She has served in multiple roles in group relations conferences in the US, including the AKRI national residential conferences, Director of GR Conferences in Missouri and Illinois, and consulting roles in multiple conferences in the US for over twenty years. She has also served on the staff of Social Dreaming conferences in the US. Director of training event in Beijing, China, November 2017. Areas of practice have included physical medicine and rehabilitation, mental health, teaching and public health. She is retired and pursuing creative writing. 
顾问:Seth Harkins博士
Consultant: Seth Harkins, EdD
Principal, Harkins Educational Consulting and Advocacy; adjunct professor National Louis University, Chicago, IL; researcher; board of directors, A.K. Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems; past president and member Chicago Center for the Study of Groups and Organizations; vice president and board member, Midwest Group Relations Center; president board of directors Illinois Community and Residential Services Authority; board of directors Chicago Virtual Charter School; executive director and board member Serenity Academy Chicago. A career educational administrator, Dr. Harkins has been involved in group relations work since 1985.
Pre-Conference Director of Administration: Xiaofeng Sun (Ellen), MA
心理咨询硕士,人格心理和心理咨询博士肄业。亚隆人际取向团体治疗师、督导师。AGPA成员。AKRI成员。团体关系会议:成员(北京2014、芝加哥2015、香港2016、新奥尔良2016+2017、Tavistock 2016、青岛2017);文化翻译(北京2016);实习顾问(上海MTD 2018);行政人员(北京 2018)。小团体顾问培训高阶学员。Tavistock-China首届团体动力师和系统咨询与变革培训项目学员。
Master of Psychological Counseling; Therapist and Supervisor, Interpersonal Approach Group Therapist; Member, AGPA; Member, AKRI; Member of Group Relations Conferences (Beijing, Chicago, Hong Kong, New Orleans, Tavistock, Qingdao), Culture Interpreter (Beijing,2016), Administration Staff (Beijing 2018). Member, Tavistock-China Group; Dynamician and Organizational Consultant Training Program.
Associate Director of Administration: Fan Yang, MSc
Full-time Psychological Counselor, Duke Kunshan University; Culture Interpreter for Beijing Group Relations Conference in 2016; Member of the “Consulting to Small Study Groups in the Group Relations Model – A Training Event” November, March, 2017, “Advanced Training for Small Study Group Consultation Training in the Group Relations Model” November, 2017 in Beijing.
[第一轮通知 2018年10月10日]
[First Round Notice, October 10, 2018]
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