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2018 Beijing GRC brochure
Group Relations Conference:
Authority and Leadership
In Groups and Organizations
Visible & Invisible
Tao is invisibly empty, but its use is plentiful.
It is profound like the originator of all things.
It shows no sharpness, stays away from entanglements,
glows with veiled radiance, mingles with dust.
It is formless and invisible, but indeed exists.
I do not know where it comes from.
It seems to have appeared before the existence of God.
------Lao-Tsu (6th Century B.C.)
Organized by:
Division of Group Counseling and Group Therapy, China Association for Mental Health,
A.K. Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems
Supported by:
The Research Center for Corporate Innovation and Competitiveness, Renmin University of China,
Conference Center of Petrochina Transportation
June 6-10, 2018
Beijing, Conference Center of Petrochina Transportation
Language:English & Mandarin
An experiential conference in the Tavistock tradition offering
a unique opportunity to study group and organizational processes.
Rationale & Aims: Learning from Experience

Effective leadership and the meaningful exercise of authority require more than intellectual and technical understanding. The Group Relations model in the Tavistock tradition provides a well-defined context within which to examine group-level forces and dynamics as they occur in the here-and-now. As people work in groups, families and other social systems, their participation takes on many different meanings - influencing thoughts, feelings and action. The confluence of individual meanings powerfully affects the identities, roles and authority we take on in groups, schools, organizations, institutions, communities and society.
MembersofaGroupRelations Conferencehavethe opportunityto directlyexperience:
wHow people join and engage in group work, delegate and resist authority, and develop roles and reputations.
wHow people contribute to and obstruct getting the group’s work accomplished.
wHow members of a group exercise authority, power and influence in meaningful and appropriate ways—both as leaders and as followers.
wHow groups collude in the creation and enabling of maladaptive roles.
wHow groups provide support for recovering from these maladaptive roles.
In applying the learning from Group Relations Conferences, having two or more people from the same organization attend the conference together is often useful.
Structure & Method

ThisConferenceisdesignedforindividualswhowishtostudytheexerciseofauthorityingroupsand understand more about their experiences and reactions to exercising and encounteringauthority.
The Conference is organized as a sequence of group and inter-group interactions.
wSmall Group—
Members examine the life of an eight to twelve member group as it unfolds in the here-and-now, with the assistance of one or more consultants.
wLarge Group—
Members examine the life of a large group, consisting of all conference members, as it unfolds in the here-and-now. This process is facilitated by a team of consultants who help members explore the dynamics of group life when face-to-face interaction with all members is not possible.
Members form their own groups to interact with other member groups and staff. The primary task of the Institutional Event is to study the relationships between and amongst groups, including the staff and institution management teams.
wReview /Application Group—
Groups of five to seven members meet with one or more consultants to consolidate their learning in the conference and apply it to their lives outside of the conference. Members are encouraged to reflect on the roles that they take up in the conference and relate them to roles they take up in work and other community settings.
Please note: The conference is designed to provide an integrated experience. Learning occurs not only during individual conference events but also from their sequence and relationship to one another; therefore, membership entails a commitment to attend all events.
Schedule of Events
Enrollment will be limited to 60 members; early registration is advised. The registration deadline extended to April 20th, 2018. In order to apply, please send an email to grcchina2018@163.com to request a registration form.
The conference provides a limited number of need-based scholarships (each about 10-15% of the registration fee). Please ask for the scholarship application form by writing to grcchina2018@163.com. The application deadline for the scholarship is March 15st, 2018.
Reference Letter:
Experiential learning can sometimes be stressful. Individuals who are experiencing significant personal difficulty are encouraged not to attend the conference. In addition to completing the Conference Registration Form, each applicant is required to provide a letter of reference from someone who can vouch for his or her ability to participate in an intensive learning experience. The applicant is responsible for seeing that this letter is submitted before April 10th, 2018. Letters should be sent via e-mail to grcchina2018@163.com.
Letter of Admission:
Will be issued by April 30th, 2018.
Payment of Fees:
Thanks to the generous support of the Research Center for Corporate Innovation and Competitiveness and Renmin University of China, the registration fee for the conference has been reduced to USD $1,000.00. The conference fee covers all conference materials, lunches, snacks and certificates. Admitted applicants are asked to send payment by May 5th, 2018, after receiving the admissions letter.
Withdrawals after May 15, 2018 will not be refunded unless someone on the wait list fills the position.
Should you need help in making reservations for your stay during the conference, please contact the admin team via email grcchina2018@163.com for hotel information. Accommodations are NOT covered by the registration fee.
There will be a photographer to take photos during the plenary opening and social hour. The pictures will be used for the website of DGCGT and A.K.Rice. If you do not want your picture to be taken, please contact the admin team via grcchina2018@163.com beforehand.
Authority for the Conference
This conference is hosted by the Division of Group Counseling and Group Therapy, China Association for Mental Health and the A. K. Rice Institute; supported by the The Research Center for Corporate Innovation and Competitiveness, Renmin University of China.
The A.K. Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems, a not-for-profit organization, was established in 1970 to advance knowledge of the dynamics of groups, organizations and social systems. The principles and methods of this Conference originated at the Center for Applied Social Research, Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, London, England under the leadership of A.K. Rice. The Washington School of Psychiatry and the Department of Psychiatry at Yale University Medical School introduced conferences using these principles and methods to the United States in 1965.
Conference Staff
Conference Director:
Jeffrey D. Roth, MD, FAGPA, FASAM, FAKRI: Lecturer in Psychiatry, University of Chicago Medical Center; Adjunct Faculty, Chicago School of Professional Psychology; Editor, Journal of Groups in Addiction and Recovery; Medical Director, Working Sobriety; Private Practice; Member and Past President, CCSGO; Fellow, AKRI.
Associate Conference Director:
Evangeline Sarda, JD: Associate Clinical Law Professor, Boston College Law School; Director, Prosecution Clinic; Co-director, Criminal Justice Clinic; Founding member, Group Relations International-East (GRI-E); Member, New York Center; Associate, AKRI; Past board member, CSGSS. Professor Sarda has been involved with Group Relations since 2000. Conference roles include member, organizer, director (of conference, of training, and of administration), administrator and consultant. She also organizes group relations conferences, trainings, presentations and events in Boston, Massachusetts through GRI-E and Boston College. B.A., Yale University; J.D., Columbia Law School.
Director of Administration:
Louise Lu, PhD: Associate Professor, Counseling Center of Beijing Jiaotong University; Secretary General of The Division of Group Counseling and Group Therapy, China Association for Mental Health; Cultural interpreter for the 2014 Beijing Group Relations conference; Member, 2015 Group Relations’ conference in Chicago; Member, 2018 Group Relations’ conference in New York City; Administrative staff member, 2016, preconference administrator and member for consultant-training in March, 2017; preconference admin and consultant-in-training for advanced consultant-training in November, 2017 by Division of Group Counseling and Group Therapy , China Association of Mental Health and A.K. Rice Institute..
Administrative Staff 1:
Robert Tittmann, MD: Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst in private practice; Staff psychiatrist, Boston College Counseling Service; member; Member, Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute; Expert Witness in Forensic Psychiatry; Member, Boston Center for the Study of Groups and Social Systems: Member, Group Relations International-East (GRI-E). B.A. from Yale University in 1984. M.D. from Dartmouth-Brown Program in Medicine in 1991. He has been involved in Group Relations work since 1996. Conference roles include member, consultant, and co-director of small group trainings.
Xiaofeng Sun, MD: Master of Psychological Counseling; Therapist and Supervisor, Interpersonal Approach Group Therapist; Member, AGPA; Member, AKRI; Member of Group Relations Conferences (Beijing, Chicago, Hong Kong, New Orleans, Tavistock, Qingdao). Member, Tavistock-China Group; Dynamician and Organizational Consultant Training Program.
Co-Consulting Staff 1:
Raymond F. Bakaitis, PhD: Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles (U.C.L.A.); President, GREX, the West Coast Affiliate of the A. K. Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems. Dr.Bakaitis has been on both the administrative staff and the consulting staff at conferences in the United States and Lithuania.
Franca Fubini: Psychoanalytic psychotherapist, organizational consultant and group analyst in private practice; Senior Fellow of University College of London; has taught in the field of HR at Rome and Perugia universities; member of staff and director of GRCs in Italy and internationally. Chair of the Gordon Lawrence Foundation for the promotion of Social Dreaming, vice chair of Il Nodo Group; ISPSO and OPUS member.
Seth Harkins, EdD: Principal, Harkins Educational Consulting and Advocacy; Adjunct Professor, National Louis University; Board Member and Chairperson, Illinois Community and Residential Services Authority; Past President and member, CCSGO; Vice President and member Midwest Group Relations Center; Associate, AKRI.
Ming-Hui Daniel Hsu, PhD: Counseling Psychologist and Organizational Consultant in Private Practice, Taipei, Taiwan; Consultant at various GRCs in New York, London, Beijing, Hong Kong, and Tel Aviv; Associate Director of Training for two small study group consultant trainings in Beijing, Co-director of the first GRC in Taiwan in August 2018. Member, New York Center for the Study of Groups, Organization and Social Systems; Associate, AKRI.
Isabelle Reiniger, LCSW: Private Practice, Evanston & Chicago, IL; Organizational Consultant, Evanston, IL; Adjunct Faculty, Loyola University, School of Social Work; Secretary, Chicago Center for the Study of Groups and Organizations (CCSGO); Associate, AKRI. She first attended a group relations conference directed by Jeffrey Roth in Chicago in 2012. She attended further conferences as a member in Chicago, New York, Boston, and Kliczkow, Poland. She attended small group consultant trainings in Stockbridge, MA and DesPlaines, IL. Since 2015 she has served on staff in the roles of small and large group consultant for various group relations conferences in the US.
Jeffrey D. Roth, MD, FAGPA, FASAM, FAKRI: Lecturer in Psychiatry, University of Chicago Medical Center; Adjunct Faculty, Chicago School of Professional Psychology; Editor, Journal of Groups in Addiction and Recovery; Medical Director, Working Sobriety; Private Practice; Member and Past President, CCSGO; Fellow, AKRI.
Evangeline Sarda, JD: Associate Clinical Law Professor, Boston College Law School; Director, Prosecution Clinic; Co-director, Criminal Justice Clinic; Founding member, Group Relations International-East (GRI-E); Member, New York Center; Associate, AKRI; Past board member, CSGSS. Professor Sarda has been involved with Group Relations since 2000. Conference roles include member, organizer, director (of conference, of training, and of administration), administrator and consultant. She also organizes group relations conferences, trainings, presentations and events in Boston, Massachusetts through GRI-E and Boston College. B.A., Yale University; J.D., Columbia Law School.
Lori Schweickert, MD: Medical Director, 3-C Family Services, Cary, NC; Adjunct Faculty, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC; President, Triangle Guild of the Catholic Medical Association; Involved in Group Relations work since 1994. Board Member, Center for the Study of Groups and Social Systems (CSGSS), the Boston Affiliate of the AK Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems (AKRI); Training and Certification Program, AKRI.
Barney Straus, LCSW: Private Practice, Chicago, IL; Founding Director, Adventure Forward Therapy, Chicago, IL; Adjunct Faculty, Loyola University Chicago, School of Social Work and Roosevelt University, Department of Psychology; Mr. Straus has been involved in GRC work in the United States since 2004. He has served in various roles and he directed a conference in 2017. Associate, AKRI, Member, CCSGO.
Janice K. Wagner, LICSW: Private Practice (psychotherapy, clinical supervision, coaching and consultation), Boston, MA; Volunteer for the Asylum Program, Cambridge Legal and Counseling Center, Cambridge, MA; Past-President and Member, Center for the Study of Groups and Social Systems, Boston, MA; Associate, AKRI. Mentor in the AKRI Consultant Training Program, and consultant since 2002 in multiple roles in group relations conferences and trainings in the US and abroad: Associate Conference Director, Consultant to Director, Associate Director of Training, Large and Small Study group team lead and consultant, and Facilitator of Small Study Group trainings.
Co-Consulting Staff 2:
Yu-Kuang Kevin Hsu, PhD.: Professor/Chair, Dep. of Educational Psychology & Counseling, National Tsing Hua University; Chief Editor, Guidance Quarterly; President, Taiwan Association of School Psychology and Counseling; Ph.D, Guidance & Counseling. Postdoctoral study, Dep. of Counseling & Personnel Service, University of Maryland; Certified counseling supervisor and trainer. multiple participation experience in Group Relations Conferences in US, and “Consulting to Small Study Groups in the Group Relations Model – A Training Event” March, 2017, “Advanced Training for Small Study Group Consultation Training in the Group Relations Model” November, 2017 in Beijing by Division of Group Counseling and Group Therapy , China Association of Mental Health and A.K. Rice Institute.
Chunfang Li (Tommy): Male, Master Degree in Psychology, advanced psychotherapist, received systematical training from German-Chinese Academy for psychotherapy(DCAP), China-American psychoanalytic alliance(CAPA), oriented in psychodynamic psychotherapy. works in a university consulting center for many years. Gained much experience in the field of mental health education and psychotherapy. Member of “Authority and leadership” Group relations conference 2014 and 2016, “Consulting to Small Study Groups in the Group Relations Model – A Training Event” March, 2017, “Advanced Training for Small Study Group Consultation Training in the Group Relations Model” November, 2017 in Beijing by Division of Group Counseling and Group Therapy , China Association of Mental Health and A.K. Rice Institute.
Enoch Li, L.L.M. (Hons):University of London; Executive Masters in Coaching and Consulting for Change (Distinction), INSEAD; Founder & Play Consultant, BEARAPY; Leadership Consultant, INSEAD; Co-consultant staff in Advanced Small Group Training by Division of Group Counseling and Group Therapy , China Association of Mental Health and A.K. Rice Institute; Cultural Interpreter in Group Relations Conference Beijing 2016; Completed Advanced Small Group Training by INSEAD in Singapore 2016 and Small Group Training by by Division of Group Counseling and Group Therapy , China Association of Mental Health and A.K. Rice Institute; Member of Group Relations Conferences in Shanghai 2018 by Group Relations China and in Melbourne 2015 by NIODA.
Han Liu, M.A.: Co-founder of Group Relations China; Coach, Team & organizational development consultant and behavioral leadership trainer at CEIBS and the Moscow Business School of Skolkovo; Member of the ITAA; Staff Consultant of the first Making the Difference GRC in China; Certified small group consultant at the Advanced Training in Small Group Processes by OPUS; Member of the advanced training in March 2017 and consultant-in-training of the advanced consultant training in November, 2018 by Division of Group Counseling and Group Therapy , China Association of Mental Health and A.K. Rice Institute.M.A. in Cross Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature and B.A. in English Literature from Shanghai International Studies University.
Jin Liu, MSc.:Psychoanalytic psychotherapist, working both with individuals and groups. Consultant-in-training of Group Relations Conference. Finished the Small Group Consultant Training organized by Division of Group Counseling and Group Therapy , China Association of Mental Health, Beijing Center of University of Chicago and A.K. Rice Institute. Graduated from the Advance Training and Supervision Training of China American Psychoanalytic Alliance(CAPA). B.A. in physics from University of Virginia, M.A. and B.S. from Peking University. Currently a Ph.D candidate in psychology at Peking University.
Xumei,Wang M.D.; Ph.D.:Chief Psychiatrist, Psychodynamic Psychotherapist, Music Image Therapist
Professor and Director of Department of Psychiatry Shengjing Hospital of China Medical University.
Member of “Authority and leadership” Group relations conference 2016, “Consulting to Small Study Groups in the Group Relations Model – A Training Event” March, 2017, “Advanced Training for Small Study Group Consultation Training in the Group Relations Model” November, 2017 in Beijing.
Yu-An Wang, LMHC: Private Practice, Seattle, WA; Case Manager for Elderly In-Home Care, Chinese Information and Service Center, Seattle, WA; Mental Health Case Manager, Lookafter, USA; Psychological Consultant, Simple Info, Taipei, Taiwan; Yu-An has been involved in Group Relations conferences since 2014 and has taken the training role since 2017. Associate, AKRI; Member, ACA; Member, AGPA.
Fan Yang, MSc.: Full-time Psychological Counselor, Duke Kunshan University; Member of the Leadership Team, R.E.A.C.H. Shanghai; Culture Interpreter for Beijing Group Relations Conference in 2016; Member of the“Consulting to Small Study Groups in the Group Relations Model – A Training Event” November, March, 2017, “Advanced Training for Small Study Group Consultation Training in the Group Relations Model” November, 2017 in Beijing.
Tingli Zhou: National Psychological Counselor; Private Practice in Beijing; 10+ years in group counseling focused on human relationships; Two years of training in Medical Psychological Counseling and Therapy Master's Course, Institute of Psychology, CAS; trained in Group Counseling and Treatment Training Programs; multiple participation experience in Group Relations Conferences (GRC): 2014, Beijing and 2017, 2018 Israel; Advanced and Beginner’s Consultant Training in Group Relations in 2017; Member, AGPA; Psychological expert, Beijing City Broadcasting; Beijing Traffic Radio, China National Radio, Beijing TV.
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