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brochure english 2019.05.07最新版
Group Relations Conference:
Authority, Leadership and Guanxi
Relatedness within and between groups and organizations
Changsha, China
October 20-24, 2019
The myriad creatures carry on their backs the yin and embrace in their arms the yang and are the blending of the generative forces of the two.
The Division of Group Counseling and Group Therapy, China Association of Mental Health, DGCGT
A. K. Rice Institute, AKRI
China-America Society for the Study of Groups and Organizations, CASSGO
The second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University
Hunan Mental Health Association
China Institute of Psychology (CIP)
Group Relations International, GRI
Group Relations International East, GRI-E
Tavistock Institute China, TIC
The Research Center for Corporate Innovation and Competitiveness, Renmin University of China
Beijing Conference Center of Petro-China Transportation
Changsha Zhefei Hotel
Jeffrey D Roth
Dear prospective member,
I invite you to attend our 5th Group Relations Conference (GRC) in China. I am honored to continue to bring GRC to China with the support of our local and international staff for the past five years.
We are building, and being shaped by increasingly complex systems. Families, organizations, institutions and communities may all be affected by this complexity. This conference will offer you an opportunity to explore authority, leadership and Guanxi in the system that we develop together as the conference becomes a temporary educational system.
This conference will be the first to be conducted entirely in Mandarin. Those of us on staff without Mandarin speaking ability may use non-verbal communications in working with you. In addition, you may choose to address us in English if you believe that doing so is in the service of your learning. You may also enlist your colleagues as interpreters to engage with those of us who do not speak Mandarin. We will work with you to understand both the content of your communications and the process by which we work with each other, since examining the processes of engagement and authorization are central to our conference task.
I hope to see you in Changsha taking part in a challenging learning opportunity together with our staff.
Jeffrey D Roth
Director of Changsha Group Relations Conference
原理与目标:在体验中学习Rationale & Aims: Learning From Experience
此次中国心理卫生协会团体心理辅导与治疗专业委员会(以下简称团体专委会)在长沙举办团体关系会议,是为了帮助有潜在兴趣的学员们来学习如何从心理动力和系统的角度来理解团体与组织中的动力与行为。 团体关系模式以心理动力学为理论基础,用于理解团体、组织及更大的社会系统,大会聚焦于探索和分析团体作为一个整体所产生的无意识过程,并鼓励学员从此时此地的体验中学习。
The Division of Group Counseling and Group Therapy (DGCGT), China Association of Mental Health presents a learning opportunity in Changsha for persons interested in developing a psychodynamic and systems perspective through Group Relations Conference. Group Relations is a psychodynamic-and-systems-rooted model for understanding groups, organizations and larger social systems, and focuses on working with unconscious processes at the group-as-a-whole level, as well as learning from here-and-now experiences.
要成为有效的领导者并有意义地行使权力需要的不仅仅是智力和技巧层面的理解。 塔维斯托克传统的团体关系模式提供了一个被明确定义的环境,来检验在此时此地所发生的团体层面的力量和动力。 由于学员来自不同的团体、家庭和社会系统,他们在会议中所展现的思维、情感和行动将带来各种不同的意义。 而这些个人意义的交汇又会反过来影响我们的现实生活,影响我们在团体、学校、组织、机构、社区和社会中所拥有的身份、角色和权力。
Effective leadership and the meaningful exercise of authority require more than intellectual and technical understanding. The Group Relations model in the Tavistock tradition provides a well-defined context within which to examine group-level forces and dynamics as they occur in the here-and-now. As people work in groups, families and other social systems, their participation takes on many different meanings—influencing thoughts, feelings and action. The confluence of individual meanings powerfully affects the identities, roles and authority we take on in groups, schools, organizations, institutions, communities and society.
• 人们如何加入并参与团体活动、委派或抵制权力、如何建立角色和声望
• 人们如何协助或阻挠团体任务的进行
• 一个团体的成员如何用有意义和恰当的方式来行使自己的权威、权力和影响力——包括当领导者和当追随者
• 团体整体如何通过共谋,创造并维持适应不良的角色
• 团体如何能帮助成员从适应不良的角色中跳脱出来
Members of a group relations conference have the opportunity to directly experience:
· How people join and engage in group work, delegate and resist authority, and develop roles and reputations.
· How people contribute to and obstruct getting the group’s work accomplished.
· How members of a group exercise authority, power and influence in meaningful and appropriate ways—both as leaders and as followers.
· Group collusion in the creation and enabling of maladaptive roles.
· Group support for recovery from these maladaptive roles.
In applying the learning from group relations conferences, having two or more people from thesame organization attend the conference together is often useful.
结构与方法Structure & Method
This Conference is designed for individuals who wish to study the exercise of authority in groups and understand more about their experiences and reactions to exercising and encountering authority. The Conference is organized as a sequence of group and inter-group interactions. Events include experiences in:
• 小型学习团体:由8-12名成员组成,探索小型团体的发展变化过程。每个团体会有一名或多名顾问来协助团体完成任务。
Examines the life of an eight to twelve members group as it unfolds. One or more consultants asist the group with the task.
• 大型学习团体:由全体学员和多名顾问组成,探索当面对面的交流沟通受阻时,大团体在此时此地的动力。
wLarge Group—
Consists of all conference members with a team of consultants and meets to study its own behavior in the here – and - now in a situation in which face-to-face interaction is problematic or impossible.
• 机构活动:学员自发组成不同的团体,并与其他学员团体及工作人员团体进行互动。此项活动的主要任务是研究团体内部和团体间的关系,包括工作人员团体和机构管理团队。
wInstitutional Event—
Members form their own groups to interact with other member groups and with staff. The primary task of the IE is to to study the relationships between and amongst groups, including the staff and institution management team.
wReview /Application Group—
Consists of five to seven members with one or more consultants; provides opportunities for members to further reflect on their experiences and roles in the different Conference events and relate them to their work roles in community and institutional settings.
Please note: The conference is designed to provide an integrated experience. Learning occurs not only during individual conference events but also from their sequence and relationship to one another; therefore, membership entails a commitment to attend all events.
周日 10月20日   周一 10月21日   周二 10月22日   周三 10月23日   周四 10月24日
大会注册 8:30-9:20 小型学习团体3 8:30-9:45 大型学习团体4 8:30-9:45 机构活动5 8:00-9:00 小型学习团体6 8:30-9:45
全员开幕式 9:30-10:15 大型学习团体2 10:30-11:45 机构活动 全员开幕式和 机构活动 1 10:30-11:45 机构活动6 9:15-10:15 大型学习团体6 10:30-11:45
小型学习团体1 10:30-11:45 午餐 12:00-13:00 午餐 12:00-13:00 机构活动全员 回顾大会 10:45-11:45 午餐 12:00-13:00
午餐 12:00-13:00 小型学习团体4 13:00-14:15 机构活动2 13:00-14:00 午餐 12:00-13:00 全员闭幕式 13:00-14:00
大型学习团体1 13:00-14:15 大型学习团体3 15:00-16:15 机构活动3 14:15-15:15 小型学习团体5 13:00-14:15 回顾/应用团体5 14:30-15:30
小型学习团体2 15:00-16:15 回顾/应用团体2 17:00-18:00 机构活动4 15:30-16:30 大型学习团体5 15:00-16:15 社交时间 15:45-16:30
回顾/应用团体 1 17:00-18:00 - 回顾/应用团体3 17:00-18:00 回顾/应用团体4 17:00-18:00 -
Oct 20
Oct 21
Oct 22
Oct 23
Oct 24
Registration 8:30-9:20 SG3 8:30-9:45 LG4 8:30-9:45 IE5 8:00-9:00 SG6 8:30-9:45
Plenary Opening 9:30-10:15 LG2 10:30-11:45 IE Plenary and IE 1 10:30-11:45 IE6 9:15-10:15 LG6 10:30-11:45
SG1 10:30-11:45 Lunch 12:00-13:00 Lunch 12:00-13:00 IE Plenary Review 10:45-11:45 Lunch 12:00-13:00
Lunch 12:00-13:00 SG4 13:00-14:15 IE2 13:00-14:00 Lunch 12:00-13:00 Plenary Conference Review 13:00-14:00
LG1 13:00-14:15 LG3 15:00-16:15 IE3 14:15-15:15 SG5 13:00-14:15 RRAG5 14:30-15:30
SG2 15:00-16:15 RRAG 2 17:00-18:00 IE4 15:30-16:30 LG5 15:00-16:15 Social Hour 15:45-16:30
RRAG 1 17:00-18:00 - RRAG 3 17:00-18:00 RRAG 4 17:00-18:00 -
工作语言Working Language
樊富珉 教授,博士生导师
Fumin Fan, Professor,Ph.D. Supervisor
Department of Psychology, Tsinghua University; Director of Division of Group Counseling and Group Therapy, China Association for Mental Health.
Jeffrey Roth, MD
Department of Psychiatry, University of Chicago; Fellow, A. K. Rice Institute, AKRI.
刘哲宁 教授,博士生导师
Zhening Liu, Professor,Ph.D. Supervisor
Associate director of Mental Health Research Institute, Associate director of Psychiatric Department, Associate director of Mental Health Department, The second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University; Member of the sub-committee for the guidance of the teaching of psychiatry , Ministry of Education.
培训时间Dates and Times
October 20-24, 2019 (Sunday 9:30-18:00; Monday 8:30-18:00; Tuesday 8:30-18:00; Wednesday 8:00-18:00; Thursday 8:30-16:30, includes lunch and tea-break)
Changsha Zhefei Hotel (Ziyuan Road, Xiangyafu’er, Changsha)
Address: Dacaimen, No. 520 Ziyuan Road, Changsha
9000元 (包含学习材料、每日午餐和茶歇)
RMB 9000 (includes learning material, lunch and refreshements)
A discount of 10% per person is avalibale in the following two situations:
1) if 3 or more people (from the same instituion) sign up as a group.
2) if member is from the Hosts, Cooperate Organizations and Sponsors listed above.
申请截止日期Application Deadline
Auguest 20th, 2019
申请方式How to Apply?
You can fill in the online Appliation form at https://www.wjx.top/jq/37772073.aspx or scan the QR code to access the Application form. Enrollment will be limited to 60 members, early registration is advised.
录取结果 Application Results
The application result will be sent to applicants via email within 2 or 3 weeks with the instrucionts of payment methods. Please complete your payment as soon as possible. If fees are not received, the seat will be given to the next qualified applicant.
申请结果: 将于2019年8月中旬通过邮件发放。
Partial schlariships (10%-15% of the tution fee) are avaliable based on financial need and on a first come, first serve basis. Please scan the QR code or use the following link, https://www.wjx.top/jq/37792736.aspx, to fill in the online scholarship application form. Scholarships will not be provided to those who have already got discount. Please complete payment as soon as you receive the scholarship application result.
Application deadline: July 31st, 2019
Apllication Result: will be sent out via email in the middle of August.
退出或取消报名Withdrawals and Cancellations
Withdrawals after September 25th, 2019 will not be refunded unless the position can be filled by someone on a waiting list.
- 长沙喆啡酒店(长沙湘雅附二梓园路店)
- 酒店住宿预约电话:177-8896-8533(请告知酒店你的学员身份)
- 酒店隔音效果较弱,对睡眠环境要求较高的学员,请自备耳塞或者选择其他酒店
Lodging is not included in tution fee. The hotel hosting the conference will provide discounts for members.
- Changsha Zhefei Hotel (Ziyuan Road, Xiangyafu’er, Changsha)
- Hotel Reservation Contact: 177-8896-8533 (Please inform the hotel that you are the member of this conference)
- If you are sensitive to noise while sleeping, please prepare earplugs or choose other hotels.
Applicant needs to provide the name and contact information of a reference because experiential learning sometimes is stressful. Please be noted that if you are not currently physically healthy and emotionally stable, please choose another time to join our conference.
The reference must be someone who can vouch that the applicant is emotionally and physically capable to participate in this conference (e.g. your family member, friend, colleague, supervisor or line-manager). If you are a member of the Hosts, Cooperate Organizations and Sponsors listed above, please find a reference in that institution. Admin team will confirm your membership and give your discounts.
联系方式Contact Information
如有疑问或需要帮助,请发送邮件至 grcchina2019@163.com
For further inquiry, please email us at grcchina2019@163.com.
Photos of staffs and members will be taken at the Plenary Opening and/or Social hours. The photos will be used at the website of DGCGT and AKRI. If you don’t want to give consent to these photos, please inform us via email in advance.
会议工作人员 Staff
会议主任:Jeffrey D. Roth医学博士
Conference Director: Jeffrey D. Roth, MD, FAGPA, FASAM, FAKRI
芝加哥大学医学中心精神病学讲师;芝加哥职业心理学院兼职教员;成瘾与康复团体杂志编辑;Working Sobriety项目医疗主任;私人执业心理治疗师;芝加哥团体和组织研究中心会员、前主席;A.K.莱斯社会体系研究所荣誉会员;美国团体治疗协会会员;美国成瘾药物协会会员;中国心理卫生协会团体心理辅导与治疗专业委员会人际动力团体学组督导师。
Lecturer, Psychiatry, University of Chicago Medical Center; Adjunct Faculty, Chicago School of Professional Psychology; Editor, Journal of Groups in Addiction and Recovery; Medical Director, Working Sobriety; Private Practice; Member and Past President, Chicago Center for the Study of Groups and Organizations (CCSGO); Fellow, AKRI; Supervisor, Panel of Interpersonal and Group Dynamics, Division of Group Counseling and Group Therapy, China Association for Mental Health.
Associate Director: Ming-Hui Daniel Hsu, PhD
Counseling Psychologist, Supervisor, and Organizational Consultant in private practice, Taipei; Dr. Hsu received his Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from New York University, has served as a consultant in group relations conferences in New York, London, Hong Kong, Beijing, and Israel, and was a Co-Director in the first Taiwan Group Relations Conference in 2018. Dr. Hsu was the Associate Director of the three consultant trainings in China in the past two years. Associate, AKRI.
会议副主任:Evangeline Sarda法理博士
Associate Director of Training: Evangeline Sarda, JD
波士顿法学院临床法学副教授;公共服务初高级领导者培训项目教学团队主任;检察诊所主任;刑事司法诊所联合主任;国际团体关系与国际团体关系东部分会创始成员;团体和社会系统研究纽约与波士顿中心(前董事会成员)、中西部中心会员;AKRI会员。从2000年起参与团体关系, 曾担任的会议角色包括成员、组织者、大会主任、培训主任、大会副主任、行政主任、行政人员和顾问。在波士顿通过国际团体关系东部分会和波士顿学院举办团体关系会议、培训、演讲和其他活动。耶鲁大学学士学位;哥伦比亚大学法学院法学博士。
Associate Clinical Law Professor, Boston College Law School; Faculty Director, Leaders Entering and Advancing Public Service (LEAPS); Director, Prosecution Clinic; Co-director, Criminal Justice Clinic. Co-Creative Circle, Group Relations International (GRI) and GRI-East; Member, Midwest Center, New York Center and Boston Center (past board member) Affiliates of AKRI; Associate, AKRI. Involved with Group Relations since 2000. Conference roles include member, organizer, Director (of conference, of training, and of administration), Associate Director, administrator and consultant. Organizes group relations conferences, trainings, presentations and events in Boston, Massachusetts through GRI-E and Boston College. B.A., Yale University; J.D., Columbia Law School.
小型学习团体培训顾问:Seth Harkins教育学博士
Consultant to Small Study Group Consultants: Seth Harkins, EdD

Principal, Harkins Educational Consulting and Advocacy; adjunct professor National Louis University, Chicago, IL; researcher; Mentor, AKRI Training and Certification Program; board of directors, A.K. Rice Institute; past president and member Chicago Center for the Study of Groups and Organizations; vice president, Midwest Group Relations Center; president board of directors Illinois Community and Residential Services Authority; board of directors Chicago Virtual Charter School; executive director, board member Serenity Academy Chicago, board member China American Society for the Study of Groups and Organizations. Dr. Harkins has been involved in group relations since 1985.
小型学习团体培训顾问:Robert Tittmann 医学博士
Consultant to Small Study Group Consultants: Robert Tittmann, MD
Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst in private practice; Staff psychiatrist, Boston College Counseling Service; Member, Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute; Expert Witness in Forensic Psychiatry; Member, Boston Center for the Study of Groups and Social Systems: Member, Group Relations International-East (GRI-E). B.A. from Yale University in 1984. M.D. from Dartmouth-Brown Program in Medicine in 1991. He has been involved in Group Relations work since 1996. Conference roles include member, consultant, and co-director of small group trainings.
Assistant Director of Administration: Fan Yang, MSc
Bachelor degree of Applied Psychology, Nanjing University; Master degree of Developmental Psychopathology, Durham University. Full-time Psychological Counselor, Duke Kunshan University; Leadership Consultant, China Europe International Business School; She has been involved in Group Relations work since 2016. Conference roles include member, cultural interpreter, consultant-in-training, co-consultant and associate director of administration.
Member of Administration: Waning Wang, MSc
Master of Psychiatry and Mental Health, Chinese Medical University;Member of the “Shanghai Large Study Group Consultant Training Conference” January, 2019.
Pre-Conference Member of Administration: Yu-An Wang, MA, LMHC, NCC
Private Practice, Seattle, WA; Case Manager for Elderly In-Home Care and Social Service Consultant, Chinese Information and Service Center, Seattle, WA; Psychological Consultant, Simple Info, Taipei, Taiwan; I have been involved in Group Relations in the United States and worldwide since 2014. Conference roles includes member, interpreter, consultant in training, and co-consultant. Associate, AKRI; Member, ACA; Member, AGPA.
顾问团队 Consultant
费小懿博士 | Winnie Fei, PhD
CEO of Tavistock China institute, Academic leader at the Tavistock China Institute Since 2016, bringing the advanced methods and technologies of the Tavistock Institute into China, conducting certificated training in partnership with the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations accredited to an international standard. Associate Director of the first and second China Group Relations Conference run by the Tavistock Institute and Tavistock China Institute in 2017 and 2019. Tavistock consultant with Practitioner Certificate in Consulting and Change. Singapore Group Counseling and Therapy specialist. Expert committee member, Asian Psychological Management Association. Certified Group Supervisor, Group Therapist by Irvin Yalom Institute, USA. Committed to applying Tavistock methods and technologies to Chinese enterprises, education, youth, children's health and welfare services and other fields.
许育光 博士 | Yu-Kuang Kevin Hsu, PhD
Professor and Chair, Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling, Tsing-Hua University; Chief Editor, Guidance Quarterly; Chairman, Taiwan Association of School Psychology and Counseling; Director, Taiwan Association of Talent Assessment and Development; Predecessor Chairman, Taiwan Play Therapy Association. Ph.D on Counseling Psychology, Postdoctoral study in Department of Counseling and Personnel Service, Maryland University. Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Counseling Psychologist.
李以诺 硕士 | Enoch Li, LLM, EMC
伦敦大学法学荣誉硕士;欧洲工商学院Executive Masters in Change荣誉硕士;欧洲工商学院领导力及团体顾问;BEARAPY创始人,以游戏心理学促改企业文化提高员工心理健康认知;前汇丰银行国际经理; “Stress in the City” 作者; 曾任中美精神分析联盟(CAPA)团体关系应用课程教师,曾在中国心理卫生协会团体专委会与AKRI联合主办的团体关系会议和小团体顾问培训中任实习顾问和文化翻译。
Master of Laws (Hons), University of London; Executive Masters in Change (Distinction), INSEAD; Leadership Consultant, INSEAD; Founder, BEARAPY for mentally healthy workplaces; previously International Manager at HSBC; Author of “Stress in the City” & published writer / speaker; Faculty on CAPA’s Applications of Group Relations to Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy; Training Consultant and Cultural Interpreter on various Group Relations Conferences and Advanced Small Group Trainings jointly organized by Division of Group Counseling and Group Therapy, China Association for Mental Health and AKRI.
刘 瑾 硕士 | Jin Liu, MSc

Master of Science, PhD candidate in Psychology, Peking University; Psychoanalytic psychotherapist and group therapist in private practice. Attended 2014, 2016 and 2018 Beijing GRC as member, Culture Interpreter and Consultant in Training respectively. Consulted to the first GRC in Taiwan in 2018. Finished a series of trainings for Group Relation consultants held by DGCGT.Finished basic, advanced, infant observation and supervision trainings of CAPA (Chinese American Psychoanalytic Association).
吕 锐 硕士 | Rui Lv, MSc
Rui Lu is a bilingual mental health provider in New York and online. She provides affordable psychotherapy and psychoanalysis as a psychoanalytical candidate at NPAP (National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis). Rui holds two Master’s degrees in Psychology: one from Peking University, one from the New School. She is a co-organizer of the China American Process Group Continuous Training Program (CAP-Group), and a Mandarin-English translator. Rui has taken up multiple roles in Group Relations Conferences in China, Israel and US.
鲁小华 博士 | Xiaohua Lu, PhD
Associate Professor, Counseling Center of Beijing Jiaotong University; Visiting Scholar, University of Chicago. Certified Group counselor, Member of American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA), A. K. Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems (AKRI), The Chicago Center for the Study of Groups and Organizations (CCSGO), The Center for the Study of Groups and Social Systems (CSGSS). Secretary General of the Division of Group Counseling and Group Therapy, China Association for Mental Health (DGCGT, CAMH). Participated 2014-2018 conferences in Beijing as culture-interpreter, admin and assistant director for admin, and also the Small Study Group Consultant Training (SSGCT) with different roles, and also participated many conferences in US with different roles, from member, observer-consultant to consultant-in-training. And now she is a consultant candidate under AKRI T&C program.
孙晓峰 硕士 | Xiao-feng Ellen Sun, MSc
心理咨询硕士,人格心理和心理咨询博士肄业。亚隆人际取向团体治疗师、督导师;AGPA成员;AKRI成员;团体关系会议:成员(北京2014、芝加哥2015、香港2016、新奥尔良2016-2018、Tavistock 2016、青岛2017);文化翻译(北京2016);实习顾问;行政人员(北京 2018)。小团体和大团体受训顾问。Tavistock-China首届团体动力师和系统咨询与变革顾问。
Master of Psychological Counseling, Unfinished PhD in Personality psychology and Counseling. Group Therapist and Supervisor, Interpersonal Approach Group Psychotherapy. Member, AGPA. Member, AKRI. Group Relations Conference: Members (Beijing 2014, Chicago 2015, Hong Kong 2016, New Orleans 2016-2018, Tavistock 2016, Qingdao 2017); Cultural Interpreter(Beijing 2016); Consultant-In-Training of SSG and LSG; Administrative staff (Beijing 2018). Tavistock-China First Group of Dynamician and Organizational Consultant.
王旭梅 医学博士 | Xumei Wang, MD, PhD
精神科主任医师;教授;博士研究生导师;中国医科大学附属盛京医院心理科主任。动力取向心理治疗师、音乐想象治疗师。AKRI成员、受训顾问。参加中国心理卫生协会团体专委会、美国芝加哥大学北京中心和A.K.莱斯社会体系研究所联合主办的团体关系会议(成员,北京,2016)、2017小团体顾问培训初级组与高级组(成员,北京)、2018 团体关系会议(协同顾问,北京)、2019大团体顾问培训会议(受训顾问,上海)。
Professor and Director of Department of Psychiatry, Shengjing Hospital, China Medical University; Chief Psychiatrist, Psychodynamic Psychotherapist, Music Image Therapist; Member and Consultant-in-training, AKRI. Member for Beijing Group Relations Conference 2016; Member of the Small Study Groups Training Program Primary and Advanced 2017; Co-consultant in Beijing Group Relations Conference 2018; Consultant-in-training in Shanghai Large Study Group Training Conference.
周婷丽 | Tingli Zhou
国家二级心理咨询师,私人执业咨询师,团体关系会议顾问,北京交通大学心理咨询中心兼职团体咨询师,森林疗养师,主管护理师。2014年开始多次在北京、以色列、上海、芝加哥团体关系会议中担任成员、受训顾问、协同顾问等多种角色;完成团体专委会举办的团体关系会议顾问系列培训——小顾问初级、高级,协同顾问,大团体顾问。中国心理卫生协会团体心理辅导与治疗专业委员会人际动力团体学组秘书部负责人,美国团体心理治疗协会会员。A.K.莱斯社会关系研究所会员,北京城市广播教育面对面、北京交通广播、中央人民广播电台、北京电视台心理嘉宾。Livein Group 创始人,《让叛逆的孩子与你更亲密》作者。
Psychological Counselor, Private Practice; Consultant, Group Relations Conference; Group Psychotherapist, Counseling Center of Beijing Jiaotong University; Forest Therapist; Head Nurse; Multiple roles and experiences in Group Relations Conferences from 2014 : Member, Consultant-in-Training and Co-consultant in Beijing, Israel, Shanghai and Chicago; Finished a series of trainings for Group Relations Conference consultants held by DGCGT; Head of the secretary department in Panel of Interpersonal and Group Dynamics, Division of Group Counseling and Group Therapy, China Association for Mental Health; Member, AGPA; Member, AKRI; Psychological expert, for Beijing City Broadcasting, Beijing Traffic Radio, China National Radio, and Beijing TV; Founder of Livein Group; Author of “Let Your Rebellious Children Get Closer to You”.
Nick Bartlett, PhD 博士
PhD in Medical Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley and San Francisco, PhD in Psychoanalytic Science, New Center for Psychoanalysis, Los Angeles; Assistant Professor, Barnard College, Columbia University; Past member of Group Relations Conferences in Baltimore (2019), Beijing (2018) and New York (2018).
龚艳硕士| Yan Gong MSc
Master of Psychology; Psychological counselor, Sun Yat-sen University; Committee member, Guangdong Province mental health education and Counseling Services for university students; Member of Beijing Group Relations Conference jointly organized by DGCGT, the University of Chicago Beijing Center and the A.K. Rice (2014 and 2016), consultant-in-training in the GRC Small Group Consultant Training (2017) and Large Group Consultant Training Conference (2019) organized by DGCGT and A.K. Rice.
李春方硕士| Chun-fang Tommy Li MSc
Master Degree in Psychology; Psychotherapist in university Counseling Center, received systematical training from German-Chinese Academy for psychotherapy(DCAP), China-American psychoanalytic alliance(CAPA), oriented in psychodynamic psychotherapy (advanced level certificvation). Member of Beijing “Authority and leadership” Group Relations Conference (2014 and 2016), “Training for Small Study Group Consultation Training in the Group Relations Model” (basic level and advanced level) by DGCGT and A.K. Rice Institute.
牛勇博士| Yong Niu, PhD
PhD in psychology; Lecturer, Beijing Jiaotong University; Certified psychologist, Chinese Psychological Society; Existential-humanistic therapist; Member of Beijing “Authority and leadership” Group Relations Conference in 2016, “ Training for Small Study Group Consultation Training in the Group Relations Model” in 2017; “Advanced Training for Small Study Group Consultation Training in the Group Relations Model” in 2018.
秦琳硕士| Lin Qin ME
Private practice psychological counselor; graduated from Beijing Institute of Technology with a master of education; national psychological counselor certificate, Psychological counselor of CPS Registration System (X-17-051). Participated in the Group Relations Conference jointly organized by DGCGT, the University of Chicago Beijing Center and the A.K. Rice (2014 and 2016), and participated in the GRC Small Group Consultant Training (2017) and Large Group Consultant Training Conference (2019) organized by DGCGT and A.K. Rice.
吴诗佳| Shijia Wu
Psychodynamic psycho-counselor in private practice, Shanghai. Have been involved in psychotherapy, supervision and training in dyad and group treatment for over 10 years. Work for local communities, hospitals, universities and training institutes as group conductor. Translate for Group Therapy trainings includes Sino-German and Sino-American programs. Member of Group Relations Conferences and its consultant-training program.
——每个系统都有“The Last One”,你不要总是选择做最后一个。
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