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第四期团体关系在线研讨课程: 抗击疫情,用团体关系理解社会动力
The Third Group Relations Online Seminar
Fight the virus and use group relations to understand social dynamics
The seminar is designed to advance the learning of persons who have attended group relations conferences in China.
This seminar will focus on the application of group relations conference learning to understanding the dynamics operating in the organizations and institutions where we work and live. The impact of the COVID-19 virus on social dynamics and organizations in China will be considered as part of the seminar.
There will be six seminar meetings each 90 minutes long. Topics to be covered include role, authorization, large group dynamics, the “organization in the mind”, how leadership and followership are taken up, how management of an organization introjects and reflects its “customer” base, and scapegoating. The seminar will examine the application of these concepts to organizational life in healthcare settings, education, business, and non-profit and government organizations. The impact of the 2019 nCoV epidemic on the functioning of Chinese society and institutions will be considered.
Each of the six seminar meetings will be taught by a different teaching pair using English and Mandarin languages. The seminar teachers will not present language translations during their presentations. Seminar members can help each other with translations as necessary.
Seminar teachers will provide a reading ahead of each meeting. During each meeting teachers will present concepts, give examples from their own experience, and provide time for questions and discussion. The seminar is a pedagogical, not a “here-and-now” event, although participants can cite here-and-now dynamics if doing so facilitates learning.
Seminar Dates and Times
周六上午9:00 - 10:30,北京时间
周六早上6:30-8:00 ,孟买时间
Saturdays, 9:00 – 10:30 am, Beijing time
Saturday 6:30-8:00 am in Mumbai
Friday 8:00-9:30 pm in Boston
Friday 7:00-8:30 pm in Chicago
Friday 5:00-6:30 pm in California
Seminar Sponsors 
Division of Group Counseling and Group Therapy, China Association for Mental Health (DGCGT, CAMH).
China-America Society for the Study of Groups and Organizations(CASSGO)
格雷克斯—— 美国A.K.莱斯社会体系研究所西海岸分支机构
Seminar Co-sponsors 
The Interpersonal Dynamic Group Section of Division of Group Counseling and Group Therapy, Chinese Association for Mental Health (DGCGT,CAMH)
Grex, The West Coast Affiliate of the A. K. Rice Institute for the Study of Social
Haoxianghenishuo (Beijing) Education Consulting co., LTD 
课程主任:鲁小华 博士 孙晓峰 女士
课程行政:金建水 先生
课程行政助理:高安静 女士
Seminar Directorate
Seminar Directors: Xiaohua Lu, Ph.D. Xiaofeng Sun (Ms.)
Seminar Associate Director: Xiaohua Lu, Ph.D.
Seminar Administrator: Jianshui Jin (Mr.)
Seminar Administrative Assistant: Anjing Gao (Ms.)
Seminar Faculty 
The names are arranged in alphabetical order according in Chinese way (from A to Z) Surname
雷蒙德·巴凯提斯 博士
格雷科斯,美国AK莱斯社会系统研究所西海岸分支主席;加州大学洛杉矶分校心理系临床副教授(退休);美国 AK 莱斯社会系统研究所候任主席;立陶宛团体关系协会成员;洛杉矶郡心理协会前任主席。
Raymond Bakaitis, Ph.D. Associate Clinical Professor, Retired, UCLA Department of Psychology | President, Grex, the West Coast Affiliate of the A. K. Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems (AKRI) | President-Elect, AKRI | Member, Lithuanian Group Relations Society | Past-President, Los Angeles County Psychological Association.
加州伯克利注册心理学家,心理治疗和组织咨询私人执业;加州奥克兰西海岸儿童诊所的高级督导心理学家;GREX 成员;AK 莱斯社会系统研究所认证顾问。
Lenny Levis, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist in private practice of psychotherapy and organizational consultation in Berkeley, California. He is also a senior supervising psychologist at the Westcoast Children's Clinic in Oakland, California. Dr. Levis is a member of Grex and a certified consultant with the AK Rice Institute or the Study of Social Systems.
Chunfang Li, MSc,
Master Degree in Psychology; Psychotherapist in university Counseling Center, received systematical training from German-Chinese Academy for psychotherapy(DCAP), China-American psychoanalytic alliance(CAPA), oriented in psychodynamic psychotherapy (advanced level certification). Member of Beijing “Authority and leadership” Group Relations Conference (2014 and 2016), “Training for Small Study Group Consultation Training in the Group Relations Model” (basic level and advanced level in 2017) by DGCGT and A.K. Rice Institute. Group Relations Conference in Changsha (2019,CIT)
Xiaohua Lu, PhD, Associate Professor, Counseling Center of Beijing Jiaotong University; co-director, China-America Society for the Study of Groups and Organizations(CASSGO), Secretary General of the Division of Group Counseling and Group Therapy, China Association for Mental Health (DGCGT, CAMH). Visiting Scholar, The University of Chicago. Certified Group counselor, Member of American Group Psychotherapy Association(AGPA), A. K. Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems(AKRI), Participated 2014-2018 conferences in Beijing and also the Small Study Group Consultant Training (SSGCT) with different roles, and also participated many conferences in US with different roles, from member, observer-consultant to consultant-in-training. And now she is a consultant candidate under AKRI T&C program.
心理学硕士,心理博士肄业。亚隆学院认证人际团体治疗师、督导师。接受朱瑟琳乔塞尔森和莫林莱什督导。亚隆项目中方教员。AGPA成员。AKRI成员。在团体关系会议(北京、芝加哥、香港、新奥尔良、塔维斯托克、青岛、上海、长沙)中担任成员、文化翻译、受训顾问、行政人员、顾问等。参加罗道钦组织的小团体顾问和大团体顾问培训,伊利亚特 阿兰姆组织的塔维斯托克中国首届团体动力师和系统咨询与变革顾问。曾参加莱昂内尔 斯坦普利指导的小团体顾问高级培训。
Xiaofeng Sun (Ellen), MA
Master of Psychological Counseling; Therapist and Supervisor, Interpersonal Approach Group Therapy; Supervised by Ruthellen Josselson and Molyn Leszcz; Member, AGPA; Member, AKRI; Member, Culture Interpreter, Consultant-In-Training, Administration Staff and Consultant in Group Relations Conferences (Beijing, Chicago, Hong Kong, New Orleans, Tavistock, Qingdao, Shanghai, Changsha). Participated in Small Study Group Consultant Training and Large Study Group Consultant Training organized by Jeffrey Roth. Certified Dynamician and Organizational System and Change Consultant of Tavistock Institute. Participated in Advanced Training in Small Group Processes directed by Lionel Stapley.
认证临床社会工作者,心理治疗私人执业(波士顿,马萨诸塞州);剑桥法律与咨询中心庇护项目志愿者;马萨诸塞州波士顿团体和社会系统研究中心前任主席和成员;A K 莱斯社会系统研究所顾问。
Janice Wagner, L.C.S.W., Private Psychotherapy Practice, Boston, MA; Volunteer for the Asylum Program, Cambridge Legal and Counseling Center, Cambridge, MA; Past-President and Member , Center for the Study of Groups and Social Systems, Boston, MA; Associate, AKRI.
Seminar Administrators
周婷丽女士 行政
国家二级心理咨询师,团体关系会议顾问,高校兼职团体咨询师,森林疗养师,主管护理师。中国心理卫生协会团体心理辅导与治疗专业委员会人际动力团体学组秘书部负责人,美国团体心理治疗协会会员。A.K.莱斯社会系统研究所会员,北京城市广播教育面对面、北京交通广播、中央人民广播电台心理嘉宾。LiveinGroup 创始人,《让叛逆的孩子与你更亲密》作者。
Tinli Zhou Administrator
Psychological Counselor, Consultant, Group Relations Conference; part time group therapy in University; Forest Therapist; Head Nurse;; Head of the secretary depart-ment in Panel of Interpersonal and Group Dynamics, DGCGT CAMH:Member, AGPA; Member, AKRI; Psychological expert, for Beijing City Broadcasting, Beijing Traffic Radio, China National Radio; Founder of LiveinGroup; Author of “Let Your Rebellious Children Get Closer to You”.
金建水 先生 行政助理
Jianshui Jin Assistant of Administration
Master in psychology, psychological teacher in school, psychological counselor, member of Chinese Association for Mental Health
The China America Society for the Study of Groups and Organizations (CASSGO) has decided to waive registration fees for this seminar in consideration of the medical and economic hardship caused by the coronavirus. While CASSGO will not charge a registration fee for the seminar, CASSGO still expects seminar students to be committed to attending all or most of the seminar sessions, read material that will be distributed; and to participate in the seminar learning.
1. Participants are required to have attended at least one group relations conference or attended one of the earlier CASSGO‘s seminars.
2. Exceptions to this requirement can be requested. Requests for exception will be reviewed by the seminar’s Directors and Administrators.
3. All Participants are expected to have a high motivation for learning the theory of relations conferences and considering how group relations theory applies to practical work.
The format and capacity of the seminar 
The seminars will be in a presentation/discussion format. English and Mandarin will be used. In order to ensure the teaching effect, the number of seminar participants will be controlled in the range of 20-25. The seminar Directors and Administrators will choose the participants according to the application materials.
1. 请点击文末“阅读原文”,认真填写申请表格;
2. 我们会仔细审核大家申请资料,选出合适的参与者,并通知大家申请的结果;
How to Apply 
Please click the “阅读原文”(read the original article)or scan the QR Code below to fulfill the online application form, please fill out the form carefully; We will carefully review your application materials, select appropriate participants and inform you of the result of application;
1、咨询课程信息,请添加微信 13521376671,请注明“真实姓名+第三期线上课程”,
Contact Information 
1、If you want to consult the information of seminar, please add the WeChat:13521376671, note “Name+ the third online seminar”
2、Or you can also contact our admin email: cassgoseminar@163.com
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